Louise Grandjonc

Scaling multi-tenant apps using the Django ORM and Postgres

Audience: All


There are a number of data architectures you could use when building a multi-tenant app. Some, such as using one database per customer or one schema per customer. These two options scale to an extent when you have say 10s of tenants. However as you start scaling to hundreds and thousands of tenants, you start running into challenges both from performance and maintenance of tenants perspective. You could solve the above problem by adding the notion of tenancy directly into the logic of your SaaS application. How to implement/automate this in Django-ORM is a challenge? We will talk about how to make the django app tenant aware and at a broader level explain how scale out applications that are built on top of Django ORM and follow a multi tenant data model. We'd take postgresql as our database of choice and the logic/implementation can be extended to any other relational databases as well.